Spencer Zhou = Xuan Zhou

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 MorePad - A Large-size text file reader
MorePad is a small window-based tool to simulate the functions of DOS command "more". The little utility can be used to process large-size text file in Read-Only mode. It's a reader, not a editor.
Current Version: V1.0.0 BA106
Download here: MorePad.zip   size: 68 KB


  • Be able to process any size text file, since it only reads text into buffer on demand.  
  • Search text in buffer or further in unread part.
  • Support block customization to search a pattern in file. 
  • Go to a specific line by line number in unread part.


I encountered some large-size text files one day. First a 4GB file, luckily I only need to read the first few lines of it. So it was easy to use DOS command "more" to get them and copied the data out. Then a 1.2GB file, this time I had to dig into the data to find some information. None of the editors I have could open such a file and get what I need. Aimlessly hitting keys for next page using "more" didn't help a lot as well. Thus the reason why MorePad is developed, who helps to retrieve needed data in a large-size file.